Wydział Lekarski

LivinnX Five!

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LivinnX Five! Take part in competition! Live in LivinnX Krakow Student House!

We are starting the fourth edition of the LivinnX Five competition! Soon, the three wonderful (students of our university) will live for the whole academic year 2023/24 in modern and comfortable LivinnX student house which is at a distance of 300 meters from our  University. The cost of their accommodation will be covered to a large extent by the owner of the dorm. A real monthly cost of living in LivinnX will be EUR 1 and 150 PLN. The costs also include a one-time administration fee of EUR 100. What it takes for these great three to benefit of this super offer? Well, you need...straight A’s marks. (Maybe not A’s alone, but almost.) If you're going to start studying in our college (only for polish candidates), you have a good baccalaureate certificate and you live outside Krakow - you have a good chance for a great place on attractive terms. Ask for details in recruitment department! If you are a student of Frycz (also foreign students of our university), you have high average grade, you live outside Krakow and want to enter the competition, don't wait! Download the form and fill it in and apply it at the Dean's Office! Read the terms and conditions!

The three winners will be announced on 18 September!

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Wydział Lekarski

Uniwersytetu Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie

ul. Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego 1, 30-705 Kraków

Dziekanat Kierunku Lekarskiego

ul. Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego 1
30-705 Kraków
budynek D, pok. D 119
